Lately we had special visitors in our workshop in Holland:
Alfa 7, Milan GT and Milan SL
For those who ride Velomobile this sound familiar, but if you have no clue, have a look at the pictures of these beauties of recumbent brand Velomobile!
Milan SL – Alfa 7 and Milan GT
Designer Romain took all measurements in terms of lengths, heights and curves. He used paper to make the first patterns by hand
Then Romain made the first prototype. With this prototype he checked if all measurements are correct and precise enough.
To optimize the fitting Romain changed the patterns. Sometimes removing or adding some centimeter can optimize the fitting of the cover perfectly.
After that, the pattern is transferred into digital form, after which we can print the markers and produce the new covers in our workshop!
So, from now on, we are proudly presenting our Radical Design velomobile covers for Alfa 7, Milan GT and Milan SL!
Designed and Handmade in Holland!